Clifford JonesinBlack BearWhy Bad Stuff Happens to Good PeopleShared wisdom from the rooms of people living a sober life2h ago2h ago
Clifford JonesinPsychology of WorkplacesStuck In a Seemingly Dead-End Job?Shift your mindset and look for opportunities to improve yourself6h ago16h ago1
Clifford JonesinDancing Elephants PressHow I Made a Quantum Leap On Medium, And You Can, TooThe principles are the same as being a better human2d ago212d ago21
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Clifford JonesinBlack BearGot Resentments? Here’s a Simple Process to Get Rid of ThemThe cost of hanging on to toxic emotions is being sick3d ago53d ago5
Clifford JonesinPsychology of WorkplacesHow To Work Well With OthersAgeless wisdom I learned from my father4d ago454d ago45
Clifford JonesinDancing Elephants PressThe Night I Became a Prisoner During the War On DrugsTrauma can become the springboard to courage and change5d ago45d ago4
Clifford JonesinCrow’s FeetIt’s Election Day In AmericaHere’s why I’m glad it’s almost over5d ago25d ago2
Clifford JonesinBlack BearThe Day I Met an Angel Guide: A Journey Into SobrietyIt took a few decades to know she was right5d ago435d ago43
Clifford JonesinCrow’s FeetThe Lessons I’ve Learned Being a Father for 36 YearsLearning to grow up together6d ago46d ago4