I write about the art of human transformation and help leaders monetize their best thinking. I ghostwrite strategic and marketing plans, LinkedIn and blog articles, and other content marketing campaigns. I'm a visual artist, author, and family man.

Over the last 40 years, I've worked in corporate America, built and sold two businesses, and helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders "Discover the Art of Business Development.”

That means using a process for creating predictable cash flow. The process I created for business development coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs build small businesses and the lives of their dreams.

More important than anything else, I raised two healthy, successful sons with my wife, who's been with me since 1983. Our family priorities are God, family, and the business of life. Almost everyone in my family is an entrepreneur.

Back story…

My entrepreneurial journey began at a young age, inspired by my parents. Their early entrepreneurial courage and success in 1973 taught me the importance of vision, courage, freedom, resilience, and creative ways to keep cash flowing and stay out of the rat race.

I was born to be an entrepreneur and serve other entrepreneurs. My primary motivation to work for myself was being broke when I was young.

My parent’s businesses unraveled, followed by their marriage. The fear, anger, and struggle to keep our family home intact fueled me to be who I am today.

I love writing about the art of human transformation and guiding other entrepreneurs who are fueled by their purpose in building a business and making a difference in the world.

Remember …

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." - Maya Angelou

Join my email list at www.CliffordJones.com for free articles, emails, tools, templates, and more. Or book a strategic coaching session.

Medium member since April 2018
Friend of Medium since January 2024
Clifford Jones

Clifford Jones

Book Author

Friend of Medium

Serving conscious, coachable company founders and leaders as an executive ghostwriter, brand-builder, and strategic coach.