Great article, and thanks for writing it. I'm considering setting up a publication. I've been a member of Medium since 2018, and I remember publications being more prevalent then, but I could be wrong. Over the years, the algorithm has changed like all do. With that, getting into pubs became a royal pain. But it might just be me.
Emerson said, "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." That dude was my kind of guy, like Robert Frost, because I'm a road-less-traveled kind of guy. That means I suck at belonging to most places; more of a lone wolf who's been married for 39 years.
However, I've had some recent traction publishing to The Taoist Online. They seemed hungry for writers. They didn't have a massive wall to leap over or tunnel under to get published, which was refreshing.
I don't love walls or tunnels. And now I'm thinking about launching a publication myself. That's how I found your article, and I'm glad I did. You have shared a great perspective.