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How to Deal With a Narcissistic Boss, Sour Grapes Supervisor, Incompetent Coworker, and Other Difficult People

It’s Not What You Think

Clifford Jones
6 min read6 days ago


Once upon a time, I had a boss who was so difficult that I wanted to whack him over the head with a snow shovel in a big storm and leave him buried in a snow bank. But I resisted the temptations by taking other measures that would keep me out of the nightly news.

If you’ve got a narcissistic boss, a sour grapes supervisor, unconscious, incompetent coworkers, and other difficult people you think about throttling, I know the feeling.

But I’m no HR professional or shrink. I’m just a guy who’s been difficult and learned to deal with other difficult people.

The world we see is simply a mirror of what we see in ourselves.

- See?

I’m sure everyone has certain people, places, or things that set us off being too mad, sad, or outright angry. So, how do we learn to deal with this without losing our minds? What do we see in them that helps us change ourselves?



Clifford Jones

I write about mental health and the art of human transformation. Serving company founders and leaders as a strategic coach, revenue builder, and consultant.