An image I captured while on a sunset walk in Arizona.

The Power of Acceptance

Discover Humanity’s Highest Purpose; How to Wake Up

Clifford Jones
9 min readMay 16, 2023


I'm a recovering control freak. Motivated by the fear of failure as a younger man, I learned the power of loving all that is. It's a daily practice that lasts for a lifetime.

If you or anyone you know is suffering through a dark, dreary night of the soul, let me assure you that suffering is the gateway to serenity once we learn to surrender to the power within us all; infinite, bright, all-loving Light that goes by many names.

Wisdom knows I vastly overestimated my ability and underestimated all the risks. Wisdom knows how little we know and control. In fact, other than our God-given conscious minds, we control nothing, if not the delusion that keeps us in the dark.

I hope my article shows people the way to acceptance, detachment, and sustained serenity. My article is about waking up based on my direct experience of being a selfish jerk too often.

As a result, I am humbled.

Waking Up Is Our Highest Purpose

Countless teachers, saints, sages, mystics, monks, and creative, outlying misfits have shown us how to wake up to know our highest calling is to wake up.



Clifford Jones

I write about the art of human transformation, transcending suffering, and overcoming challenges in the School of Life with unconditional love and forgiveness.