And What to Do About It
“The bogey man will get you if you are not good."
How many of us as kids were told this baloney by unknowing parents and grandparents?
Here’s the genesis: The phrase is a euphemism passed down through the ages by unconscious parents and grandparents as a means to frighten a child into being good by describing an image of bad, or evil.
Evil is what Carl Jung called “the shadow.” It’s the dark side of the human psyche that plagues us all.
Most of us don’t know the shadow exists, or how to honor it. As a result, we unconsciously go through each day ripping each other’s faces off on Facebook, in parks, at work, and in our homes, and we even “kick the dog.”
The Realm of Duality
In this world, light would not exist without dark, nor good without evil, nor hot without cold, nor love and hate; it’s the realm of duality.
The realm of non duality would be what most of us call heaven. And unless we learn how the inner game of the human psyche works, we will go to the realm of non duality without every waking up to our truth as humans; we can’t be good without honoring the bad within us.