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What’s Your Writer’s Voice?

Discover the Fastest Way to Describe Your Voice As a Writer

Clifford Jones
3 min readMay 6, 2023


If someone asks you, “What’s your voice as a writer?” what would you say?

The best writers love to write. Some of us learn that we were born to write sooner than others. As one born to write, I never knew how to describe my voice as a writer beyond, “I write as a speak., and probably too much.”

The Fastest Way to Describe Your Writer’s Voice

Recently, I wondered how ChatGPT would describe my voice. Because my Medium articles push through to my blog, I gave ChatGPT my URL:

Here’s what it said about my writing style:

Based on a review of your blog articles, it appears that you have a clear and concise writing style. Your writing is easy to read and understand, with a straightforward approach that gets your point across effectively.

Your articles tend to be informative and educational, with a focus on providing practical tips and advice to your readers. You often draw on personal experiences and anecdotes to illustrate your points, which adds a relatable and human touch to your writing.

Your voice as a writer is authoritative and confident, but not overbearing…



Clifford Jones

Serving conscious, coachable company founders and leaders as an executive ghostwriter, brand-builder, and strategic coach.