You make reasonable points. Mankind is a thing but reasonable. We are the very species that arrives for world peace by making wars.
Most of us hide behind the unconscious veil of "being good." We resist being bad, and we become our worst nightmare, and it happens unconsciously.
The observer, one who is anointed, individuated, self actualizated, awakened, enlightened knows and accepts all in the realm of duality because we know nothing here is truly real.
Look at the Mystics of all the great faiths. They strived and advocated for "detachment" and non judgment. Clearly, finding inner peace only happens when two, necessary opposites find ways to work with one another.
Here's an example from Seven Semons to the Dead by Jung ...
The Kabbalah as well as the more daring forms of Christian mysticism are, of course, rooted in the wisdom of the ancient Gnostics who declared in the Gospel of Philip: “The light and the darkness, life and death, the right and the left, are brothers one to another. It is not possible to separate them from one another. Because of this, neither are the good good, nor the evil evil, nor is life a life, nor death a death. Because of this each will be resolved into its origin from the beginning.”
Keep writing, reading, and sharing. You're doing a great job.