Why I Stopped Writing for MediumIt’s a loyalty and trust thing, sufficient cause to pause my writing4d ago34d ago3
Published inHuman PartsLanding the Girl of My DreamsLearning the difference between infatuation and love is hard6d ago6d ago
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWhy I’m Building a New Fort Instead of Retiring at 63Curiosity, creativity, purpose, meaning, and connectionJan 216Jan 216
Published inDancing Elephants PressAn Open Thank You Letter to the Medium CrewYou helped me more than you know; we’ll get through this.Jan 168Jan 168
Published inDancing Elephants PressThe Biology of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And MiraclesA book summary about the convergence of science and faithJan 152Jan 152
Published inBlack BearWhat It Feels Like to Live Without Alcohol for 5,789 DaysOne hundred percent proof people can and do changeJan 143Jan 143
Published inThe MemoiristHitchhiking to Chamonix: The Adventures of a Curious, Naive College BoyJournal entry, January 30, 1982, Chamonix, FranceJan 132Jan 132
Published inThe MemoiristGrowing Up In Shangri-La: Family Dreams, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to DustThe rise and fall of a family dream on Brickyard MountainJan 123Jan 123
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeThe Long-Term Marriage ClubIt is a story about the twisty, bumpy road to living in unityJan 107Jan 107
Published inBlack BearThe Lost Boy I Met at a Coffee Shop In Phoenix, ArizonaJoin me for the first meeting with a young man in foster careJan 85Jan 85